
or not, depending on your personal view on google usage: the top ten blogs for francophiles. a lot of them seem to be about food, or people who have published books about their blogs and now devote columns and columns of blog space to advertising those books, or both, which is clearly diabolical.

this one seems rather good, though: french word-a-day. i found this picture on there and despite my not-a-francophile status this just looks as irresistable as christian bale in a suit-and-tie:

meanwhile, in france.

for comparison's sake: christian bale.

yet more referencing. the harvard referencing of hot men.

i could ‘reference’ ‘france’ all day, iykwim. ahem.

i could also stare longingly at french properties in provence all day long. oh, if only i had few million euro lying around. would you look at this?

you want to raise children in me.

imagine waking up in your restored provence farmhouse and going, i think i fancy a walk around my multi-acre estate today.

yes these are my own ruins.

Categories: musings, places | Tags: , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “incidentally

  1. Votre blog c’est très intéressant! I am learning french too!

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