Posts Tagged With: learning

Hello world!

as a south african who has never been overseas, it is clearly of the utmost importance that i learn to speak french. i started years ago but it fell through the floorboards of distinterest. now i am on fire.

this blog is going to chronicle my journey. by which i mean guilt me into not giving up, because french is hard. i know you’re riveted, so i’ll tell you why i want to learn french specifically.


1. if you’re going to go to all the trouble of learning a third language, it might as well be searingly difficult. it ups the smug factor when you succeed.

2. if i learn french, i’ll be able to baffle, harass and inspire the people of france, belgium, cameroon, canada (eh!), the congo, etc etc.

3. i can only assume that i’ll be so busy speaking french i’ll forget to eat and become skinny, as if by magic.

4. one can never have enough languages to swear in i always say.

5. i’m going to author meaningful post-its in french if it’s the last thing i do dammit!

it’s a curious language, french. i think they were drunk when they invented it. so it follows i should be drunk when i learn it, non?

it’s only logical.

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