Posts Tagged With: learning to speak French

non, luke. je suis ton père.

because if you’re not going to translate star wars lines into french, what are you doing here sir? just what exactly are you doing here?

the paint is barely dry on my gumption.

i have a confession to make (no, luke!). i’m not a francophile. a lot of people are driven to learn tongues other than their native because of an obsession with the country of origin. english, for example. but i’ve never really much been ‘into’ france and i don’t know much about it. i know its president is pretty whack. hey, ho, no judgment, our president recently wed his sixth wife (without divorcing any of the previous mrs zumas). it has a three-colour flag (one, two, three!). hollywood brought out a movie by one of its most famous authors this year, a movie so terrible as to be inexplicable. napoleon. marie antoinette. boobs. at least it wasn’t in eat, pray, love.

so the question remains, what am i doing here? and the answer remains, i have no idea except a vague tugging that i should and that i want to.

spoiler alert: j’exploser le death star.

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